Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Beyond the sea

For the past three years I have been photographing my dear friends, Heather and Melody, during our winter break. This year, we decided to head to Galveston to take some photos on the beach. Unfortunately, the weather was not the best and we had to cut our session a little short. Although, I did get some awesome photos! It's always such a good time with these ladies and I love them so much!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

New Year, New Camera, New Blog.

For the past couple of weeks I've been really wanting to create a photography blog. And since I got a new camera for Christmas/ my birthday, along with it being a new year, I decided that now would be the best time for me to start one!

This will be a blog to showcase my photo sessions, instead of flooding my Facebook fan page with photos. I feel they will be more organized here. Also, this gives me more of a chance to publish my personal life and work, along with client work. I'm so excited to start this blog and for everyone to watch it grow and develop!

Love always,